The Future of Swimming Pools in Sydney

Swimming pools in Sydney all share one thing in common: They serve as gathering spots where people gather to connect, as well as an integral part of our culture. Our culture values equality, diversity and mateship – something which your local council pool embodies through rituals such as kids lying on concrete to warm up before diving in the water, or unwritten rules regarding which lanes allow certain activities or not.

So many people visit our city’s pools – from children splashing around in shallow waters to athletes training for competition – that they are an integral part of both city life and state identity, deserving to be protected and enhanced. Unfortunately, however, local government finances are increasingly straining these facilities, leading to reduced opening hours, higher borrowing and declines in infrastructure renewal programs; particularly alarming when considering that Australia’s public swimming pools need significant refurbishments like highlighted by North Sydney Olympic Pool project cost overruns.

Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney has proposed several projects to restore Sydney Pool to its former glory and give back to the community. One proposal includes installing a solar heating system which uses sunlight’s energy to bring temperatures up to an optimal range so people can swim all year round – not only during summer.

Cities with abundant sunshine present an excellent opportunity to capitalize on free renewable energy. However, installing solar panels is a significant endeavor and costly venture; to find the right company and installation provider. Make sure they possess adequate qualifications as well as providing proof of previous work done before making a final decision.

Another affordable alternative is gas-powered hot water systems, but keep in mind that this method may not be as eco-friendly; solar heating should still be prioritized whenever possible.

There is an array of swimming pool builders in Sydney, but it is always best to work with an established builder in order to ensure your new pool lasts a long time. At Compass Pools, our two authorized pool builders are available throughout Greater Sydney region to discuss individual needs more in-depth. Justin or Renee would love to speak with you today or you can request a quote via our website; either one will help find you the ideal inground or above-ground model pool! We look forward to hearing from you!